Marvel’s “The Marvels” Takes Over Jakarta’s Walls: Glow-in-the-Dark Murals by Local Artists

Marvel's "The Marvels" Takes Over Jakarta's Walls: Glow-in-the-Dark Murals by Local Artists

Mosaics that glow in the dark from Marvel’s “The Marvels” cover the walls of Jakarta. They were made by local artists.

Comic Book Movie’s new movie is almost ready to come out. The name of it is “The Marvels.” In the movie, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Captain Monica Rambeau work together to save the world. It will be shown in Indonesian theaters on November 8, 2023. There’s a strange link between them.

The Marvels: Artists in the area make the streets bright.

Fans of the movie “The Marvels” can now enjoy a wide range of works of art that were inspired by the story and characters. These pieces were made by Marvel Studios and local artists. In Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta, images of them will come to life at night. The three of them are Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Captain Monica Rambeu.

The work of Philip Ponk will be shown at the A3000 Creative Compound in Jakarta. Work by Andre Tirta will be shown at Laswee Creative Space in Bandung. Work by Rune HSK will be shown at Pas Podjok Kopi in Yogyakarta. Paint that glows in the dark is used by the artists to show how they see the popular characters and story of “The Marvels.”

Things Phillip Ponk Did That No One Else Did

Philip Ponk made a picture that was 7 meters by 2 meters. He said it was very hard for him. For the Indonesian artist, working with other people is a good way to learn how to use technology and make art.

Phillip Ponk is the most famous artist in Jakarta.

Ponk is excited and says that one of the new things he learned here was how to work with glow-in-the-dark parts. He says that seeing his picture will be a unique experience. It looks like any other picture during the day, but at night it turns into something different.

Ponk first learned about the Marvel project from a friend. He says he didn’t know much about Marvel but was very excited. When asked, he couldn’t name every character, but he was interested in the chance and chose to be Jakarta’s representative in this project.

Putting your own stamp on Marvel’s World

Ponk talks about where he gets his ideas and how the group thinking gave them a lot of different ideas. He recommended adding his own character, Phonka, to the mural to give it his own style. He says Phonka always adds something special to the things he does with other people.

“Every time Phonka works with that brand, they will play with it.” “This time, it’s ‘Phonka Playing With Marvel,'” says Ponk. He suggested adding his figure to the font that was bigger, farther away, and faster. This would make his personal touch fit in with Marvel’s well-known style.

Ponk and his friend Irwan from Studio Raga Selamanya worked together to finish the painting. The whole process, from coming up with ideas to making the painting, took two weeks. It makes Jakarta’s art scene more interesting.